How to Download and Install Cimatron E13: A Step-by-Step Guide
Cimatron E13 is a powerful CAD/CAM software that provides a complete solution for designing and manufacturing tools, molds, dies, and electrodes. It offers a range of features and capabilities that can help you boost your productivity, quality, and profitability in any tooling project.
cimatron e13 download
If you want to download and install Cimatron E13 on your computer, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Download the Cimatron E13 Setup File
The first step is to download the Cimatron E13 setup file from the official website of Cimatron. You can find the link here:
On the download page, you need to fill in a form with your name, email address, company name, country, and phone number. You also need to select the product that you want to download (Cimatron E13) and the language that you prefer (English or other languages).
After filling in the form, click on the Submit button. You will receive an email with a link to download the Cimatron E13 setup file. The file size is about 4 GB, so make sure you have enough space and a stable internet connection.
Step 2: Run the Cimatron E13 Setup File
The second step is to run the Cimatron E13 setup file that you have downloaded. To do this, locate the file on your computer and double-click on it. You will see a window with the Cimatron logo and a progress bar.
Wait for the setup file to extract and launch the installation wizard. You will see a welcome screen with some information about Cimatron E13. Click on the Next button to continue.
Step 3: Accept the License Agreement
The third step is to accept the license agreement of Cimatron E13. You will see a screen with the terms and conditions of using the software. Read them carefully and check the box that says I accept the terms in the license agreement. Then click on the Next button to continue.
Step 4: Choose the Installation Type
The fourth step is to choose the installation type of Cimatron E13. You will see a screen with two options: Typical and Custom.
The Typical option will install all the components of Cimatron E13 with the default settings and locations. This is recommended for most users who want a quick and easy installation.
The Custom option will allow you to select which components of Cimatron E13 you want to install and where you want to install them. This is recommended for advanced users who want more control over their installation.
Select the option that suits your needs and click on the Next button to continue.
Step 5: Choose the Installation Folder
The fifth step is to choose the installation folder of Cimatron E13. You will see a screen with a default folder where Cimatron E13 will be installed. The default folder is C:\\Program Files\\Cimatron\\Cim_E13\\.
If you want to change the installation folder, click on the Browse button and select a different folder on your computer. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for installing Cimatron E13.
After choosing the installation folder, click on the Next button to continue.
Step 6: Start the Installation Process
The sixth step is to start the installation process of Cimatron E13. You will see a screen with a summary of your installation settings. Review them carefully and click on the Install button to begin.
You will see a progress bar that shows how much of Cimatron E13 has been installed. Wait for the installation process to complete. It may take several minutes depending on your computer speed and internet connection.
Step 7: Finish the Installation Process
The seventh step is to finish the installation process of Cimatron E13. You will see a screen that says Congratulations! The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed Cimatron E13.
You can choose to launch Cimatron E13 immediately by checking the box that says Launch Cim_E13.exe now. You can also choose to view or print a log file of your installation by checking the box that says Show or print log file now.
Click on the Finish button to exit the installation wizard.
What is Cimatron E13?
Cimatron E13 is the latest version of Cimatron, a leading CAD/CAM software for tooling. Cimatron E13 offers a comprehensive solution for designing and manufacturing tools, molds, dies, and electrodes, as well as programming any CNC and EDM machine for molds, dies, plates, and discrete manufacturing.
Cimatron E13 has many new features and enhancements that can help you improve your productivity, quality, and profitability in any tooling project. Some of the main features of Cimatron E13 are:
A new user interface that is clean, intuitive, and easy to use.
Improved performance and display that allow you to work faster with large models and complex geometries.
A hybrid parametric environment that lets you design parts and assemblies in 3D or 2D, with full associativity and flexibility.
A powerful mold design solution that includes automated parting, core and cavity creation, mold base design, sliders and lifters design, cooling channels design, and more.
A robust die design solution that includes die addendum surfaces creation, strip layout design, punch design, die set design, springback compensation, and more.
An advanced electrode design solution that includes automated electrode extraction, positioning, manufacturing, documentation, and EDM setup.
A comprehensive NC programming solution that supports 2.5-axis to 5-axis milling, drilling, turning, mill-turning, wire EDM, simulation, and verification.
A seamless integration with other CAD/CAM systems and industry standards such as STEP, IGES, DXF/DWG, Parasolid, STL, CATIA V4/V5/V6, NX/Solid Edge/Parasolid/Creo/ProE/Inventor/SolidWorks/AutoCAD/Onshape/Fusion 360/PowerMill/SolidCAM/Mastercam/EdgeCAM/HyperMILL/Esprit/CAMWorks/Siemens PLM Software/PTC Creo Parametric/Autodesk Inventor/Autodesk Fusion 360/Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks/Dassault Systèmes CATIA/Dassault Systèmes DELMIA/Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA/Dassault Systèmes ENOVIA/Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform/ANSYS Workbench/ANSYS Mechanical APDL/ANSYS Fluent/ANSYS CFX/ANSYS Discovery Live/ANSYS Discovery AIM/ANSYS Discovery SpaceClaim/ANSYS Electronics Desktop/ANSYS Maxwell/ANSYS HFSS/ANSYS Q3D Extractor/ANSYS Icepak/ANSYS SIwave/ANSYS Simplorer/ANSYS Twin Builder/ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise/ANSYS Mechanical Premium/ANSYS Mechanical Pro/ANSYS LS-DYNA/ANSYS Autodyn/ANSYS nCode DesignLife/ANSYS DesignXplorer/ANSYS DesignModeler/ANSYS Meshing Application/ANSYS TurboGrid Application
Why Choose Cimatron E13?
Cimatron E13 is a proven solution that has been used by thousands of toolmakers around the world for over 35 years. Cimatron E13 can help you gain a competitive edge in the tooling industry by providing you with:
A single, integrated solution that covers your entire workflow from quoting to delivery.
A dedicated solution that is tailored for tooling with applicative tools and functions.
A flexible solution that can handle any geometry and machine any part with ease.
A reliable solution that delivers high-quality tools of any complexity or size with superb surface quality.
A fast solution that can shorten your tool delivery time by up to 70 percent.
A cost-effective solution that can reduce your tooling costs by up to 30 percent.
A local solution that has training and support from tooling experts in your region.
How to Learn More about Cimatron E13?
If you want to learn more about Cimatron E13 and how it can benefit your tooling business, you can:
Request a free trial of Cimatron E13 on the official website of Cimatron:
Watch some videos of Cimatron E13 on the official YouTube channel of Cimatron:
Read some testimonials of Cimatron E13 users on the official website of Cimatron:
Contact your local Cimatron representative or reseller to get a live demo or a quote of Cimatron E13:
How to Use Cimatron E13?
Cimatron E13 is a user-friendly software that has a simple and intuitive interface. You can use Cimatron E13 to design and manufacture any tool, mold, die, or electrode in a few easy steps:
Import your part data from any CAD system or create your own part geometry in Cimatron E13.
Quote your tool project using the built-in quoting module that calculates the tool cost and delivery time based on your part data and tool parameters.
Design your tool using the applicative tools and functions that automate and simplify the tool design process. You can also use the integrated analysis tools to check for errors and optimize your tool design.
Create your electrodes using the automated electrode extraction and positioning module that generates accurate and efficient electrodes based on your tool geometry.
Program your CNC and EDM machines using the comprehensive NC programming module that supports 2.5-axis to 5-axis milling, drilling, turning, mill-turning, wire EDM, simulation, and verification.
Manufacture your tool using the best-in-class machining strategies and post-processors that ensure high-quality results and minimize machining time.
Deliver your tool to your customer with confidence and satisfaction.
In this article, we have shown you how to download and install Cimatron E13, a powerful CAD/CAM software for tooling. We have also given you some information about the features, benefits, and usage of Cimatron E13 for designing and manufacturing tools, molds, dies, and electrodes. We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you want to try Cimatron E13 for yourself, you can request a free trial on the official website of Cimatron. Thank you for reading. d282676c82